Monday, January 1, 2018

GLOBAL BIG WORRIES of investors in 2018 .???

What should investors worry about in 2018? Here’s a big, fat list of risk factors


Published: Dec 30, 2017 8:50 a.m. ET
Worried about what to worry about in 2018?
We’ve published dozens of articles on the subject in the past several months, with advice from analysts, calls from prominent traders and other analyses of the subjects keeping investors, and MarketWatch’s editorial team, awake at night. Here, we bring all those worries and watchers to you, in a single, big, fat list.
Call it the ultimate New Year’s reading list for the concerned investor hiding inside each of us, after a 2017 in which the Dow DJIA, -0.48% has broken a record for breaking records, the S&P 500 SPX, -0.52% has rallied 20% and nothing seemed to get investors down for long.
Bitcoin crash
So far, this is the worry that’s winning in our Twitter poll.
What should investors be most worried about in 2018?

(Got a write-in candidate? Hit reply and let us know)

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